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Consider joining the CFFA as a member! You will be added to a Canada-wide network of individuals and organizations who are invested in improving outcomes for foster children and families. You can connect with board members or other members of the CFFA to request support, offer support, lobby for changes, and contribute your voice at the national level.  We look forward to you joining us as a member!


A year membership runs for the fiscal year April 1 - March 31.


Membership Classes

There are 4 classes of membership:


Personal Member: Any person aged 18+ residing in Canada may become a Personal Member upon payment of the prescribed membership fee. Any Regular Member organization’s delegated Director, and each of its voting delegates, must also be a Personal Member.


Regular Member (Provincial / Territorial Foster Caregiver Organization): The recognized organization of foster parents for each province / territory of Canada may represent its province / territory and become a Regular Member of the CFFA upon payment of the prescribed membership fee and upon approval of its application by a majority vote of the Board. 


Organizational Member: Any group or organization that supports the work of the Corporation may become an Organizational Member upon payment of the prescribed membership fee and upon approval of its application by a majority vote of the Board. An Organizational Member may be invited to serve in an advisory capacity with no voting privileges. Examples include: Big Brothers Big Sisters, Child Welfare League of Canada, Association of Social Workers in Northern Canada.


Lifetime Member: Upon a majority vote of the Board, any person may be appointed a Lifetime Member. Lifetime Members shall be exempt from payment of the prescribed membership fee and will have no voting privileges.


Contact Us

1801 Coteau Street​

Moosejaw, SK

S6V 1C5

Phone (Toll Free): 1 866 233 0136


This is a shared number so please state that you are calling about CFFA business.

Canadian Foster Family Association


We are a national organization that works in collaboration with the provincial and territorial foster family associations and other national organizations involved with children & youth in care to enhance foster care across Canada.

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